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We are a School Psychologist and Classroom Teacher, each with over 20 years experience working in Inner City schools. We are passionate about advocating for the exceptional abilities of educators, students and families, hoping to inspire others in the process! We offer a range of educational and wellness resources, ranging from social stories, interventions, to lesson plans, digital prints and workbooks. Please take some time to enjoy our Wellness Playground!




We are a School Psychologist and Classroom Teacher, each with over 20 years experience working in Inner City schools. We are passionate about advocating for the exceptional abilities of educators, students and families, hoping to inspire others in the process! We offer a range of educational and wellness resources, ranging from social stories, interventions, to lesson plans, digital prints and workbooks. Please take some time to enjoy our Wellness Playground!
Personal Space Social Story Lesson | Fun Activities, Hula Hoop Game & Visuals for Kids

Personal Space Social Story Lesson | Fun Activities, Hula Hoop Game & Visuals for Kids

This engaging and interactive lesson entitled My Bubble, Your Bubble: Understanding Personal Space, is 30-minute interactive lesson designed to help elementary students understand and respect personal space. Using fun analogies, hands-on activities, and visual demonstrations, students will learn about different levels of personal space and appropriate boundaries in various social situations. Through role-playing, hula hoop exercises, and stoplight zone discussions, students will develop a better understanding of how to navigate social interactions comfortably and respectfully. This lesson is ideal for classrooms, counseling groups, or social skills instruction. This lesson package includes a complete lesson plan, printables & narrative guide, making it easy to deliver with minimal preparation. Lesson Objectives: Understand what personal space is. Recognize different levels of personal space (family, friends, acquaintances, strangers). Learn ways to respect others’ personal space. Practice maintaining appropriate personal space in different situations. Lesson Sections: What is Personal Space Hula Hoop Activity: How Big is Your Bubble? The Stoplight Zones - Who Can Be Close? Role Play - Personal Space Detectives Worksheet - Who Belongs Inside and Outside My Bubble? My Personal Space Pledge Lesson Instructions & Narrative Printables for the Lesso What You Will Receive: High-quality PDF file (delivered in 2 ZIP Folders) 8.5"x11" in size 36 Pages How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Bind, laminate, or place in duotang to use with your students Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. THANK YOU.
Social Story All About Feelings | Feelings Lesson | Social Emotional Learning

Social Story All About Feelings | Feelings Lesson | Social Emotional Learning

This Social Story "All About My Feelings” is a lesson designed to help young children understand and recognize their emotions. In this story, we explore different feelings like happiness, sadness, anger, fear, excitement, and confusion. Each page shows how we can express these feelings and what to do when we experience them. The social story speaks about how some feelings are small and mellow and easier to manage, while others are big and strong and more difficult to control. The social story provides opportunity to students to provide input and participate in providing answers. The lesson uses the analogy of filling a balloon with air to explain the healthy expression of feelings. Lesson Tip: In order to make this lesson more fun and interactive with students, we recommend using a physical balloon to demonstrate the analogy of how filling up a balloon too much is just like holding in our emotions for too long and letting them pile up inside of us. You may also use the balloon to show how letting our emotions out too quickly causes the balloon to fly around out of control just like when we let our own feelings out too quickly and act out with behaviour (the kids will get a kick out of watching the balloon fly around the room!); alternatively, letting the air out slowly results in a calmer experience, just like when we let our emotions out slowly and feel more in control. By learning about our feelings, we can better communicate with friends and family, find ways to calm down, and ask for help when we need it. This 36-page social story/lesson conveys these themes using practical examples, activities, engaging visuals, and developmentally appropriate language. It is best suited to K-6, and special education settings. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of feelings together! What You Will Receive: 1 high-quality PDF file 8.5"x11" in size 36 Pages How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Bind, laminate, or place in duotang to use with your students Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. THANK YOU.
A Kids Grief Journal: When Someone I Care About, Dies

A Kids Grief Journal: When Someone I Care About, Dies

When Someone I Care About, Dies: Grief Journal In response to our brief social story on supporting a grieving student, we were asked if we had a more in-depth resource for our grieving kids - and, after a lot of thought, work and care, we finally have published a comprehensive grief journal! This 43-page comprehensive journal is meant to act as a guide to assist children and youth through their grief journey. It is intended to answer some of children’s questions about death, and provide information about death and dying, and the feelings we may experience when someone we care about, dies. Some examples of topics/questions covered include: Why do people die? Who is in our Circle of Support? What is the Life Cycle? Will the person come back? What happens at a funeral? Where does the person go? Are my feelings normal? Who can I talk to? What happens in our bodies when we grieve? What can make me feel better? Will I feel happy again? What are some self-care activities I can do? What happens over time? Grief glossary - what are some words I may hear when a person dies? Self-expression page The journal helps children to normalize the grief experience, and guides them through important topics and feelings related to the loss of a loved one. The journal is in PDF (8.5" x 11") format, and so is easily printable and may be laminated and put in a binder or folder. It uses developmentally appropriate language, and engaging visuals. It is presented as a social story, but also in a workbook-like format, where the child can contribute their own answers and fill in information that helps them to engage in and reflect on their grief experience. The intention is to work through the journal alongside a trusted adult, so they may be adequately listened to and supported. As always, please leave your feedback and review so that we may continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. And, please follow our page so you may receive new and up to date materials. Thank you!
Grateful Journal | Printable Gratitude Journal

Grateful Journal | Printable Gratitude Journal

The Grateful Journal helps people to make gratitude a habit by encouraging daily practice of being thankful for what we have. The gratitude journal is in digital format, and so is easily printable and you may print as many pages as you like! Most of us lead busy lives and it can be easy to get caught up with the day to day challenges. But, in the midst of the chaos, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that there is always something to be grateful for. As much as we may be overcoming obstacles and solving problems, how often do we take the time to truly celebrate the positives? This journal was created to help you make quality time for gratitude. Use it to reflect on your day, week or month - what did you enjoy? what made you smile? It might be a person in your life or a moment you shared or experience you enjoyed. It could be as simple as a delicious cup of coffee in the morning or watching a beautiful sunrise. Let it remind you of the little things in life. This journal has helpful strategies and tools to encourage gratitude, as well as daily entries for each month of the year, so you may have space for growth each and every day of the year! CONTENTS: JOURNAL PURPOSE HOW TO USE THIS JOURNAL THE BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE THE REVERSE BUCKET LIST PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE YOUR GRATITUDE VISION BOARD GRATITUDE TOKENS G.L.A.D. TECHNIQUE TABS: JANUARY - DECEMBER We hope this journal helps you to adopt an attitude of gratitude into your daily life and appreciate all the little things that make life wonderful. What You Will Receive: 1 ZIP folder containing a high-quality, colour PDF file 8.5"x11" in size 188 Pages How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Bind or place in a duotang for your convenience Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources. THANK YOU.
Anxiety Book for Kids | Max's Fizzy Brain and the Worry Wobblies

Anxiety Book for Kids | Max's Fizzy Brain and the Worry Wobblies

**Max’s Fizzy Brain and the Worry Wobblies: Children’s Book. **Wobblies are never far behind! In this playful and encouraging story, kids will follow along with Max, as they learn about what’s happening inside their brains when they feel nervous or anxious. With fun illustrations, gentle humor, and easy strategies for calming down, Max’s Fizzy Brain and the Worry Wobblies helps children understand that worries are normal, and gives them superpowers to manage those wobbly feelings! A delightful mix of science and silliness, this book will empower young readers to find their calm, one deep breath and brave thought at a time. Perfect for children in grades 1 to 5, Max’s Fizzy Brain and the Worry Wobblies is a must-read for any young mind ready to conquer their worries with courage, curiosity, and a dash of fun. What You Will Receive: 1 high-quality PDF book file 8.5"x8.5" in size 26 Pages How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Cut to size (e.g., use paper cutter to cut 2.5" off the bottom, to make the 8.5x8.5" book size) Bind, laminate, staple or place in duotang to use with your students. Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. Also note that this book is available via Amazon, professionally bound (just search for Max’s Fizzy Brain in the Amazon search bar). We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. . THANK YOU. This ebook is original and copyrighted material with all rights reserved by The Wellness Playground. Any reproduction or altering of this book’s contents is strictly prohibited and protected by copyright law.
Anxiety Intervention Bundle | Anxiety Management Resource

Anxiety Intervention Bundle | Anxiety Management Resource

This** Anxiety Intervention Bundle offers 8 unique activities**, social stories and strategies tailored to help children manage children and youth’s anxiety across all settings: Breathing & Grounding Strategies for Kids Social Story: 8 Easy Ways I Can Practice Calm Breathing Social Story: Calm Breathing (Basic Concepts) Social Story: What To Do When I Feel Worried or Anxious Anxiety Busters Activity My Worry Bubbles Activity Taming Your Thoughts: CBT Intervention Worry Tree Activity Each intervention includes detailed instructions and sample pages for ease of understanding and use. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE: You will receive 5 zip files, with each resource in PNG and/or PDF format, and 8.5"x11" sizing - this allows for high-resolution images and easy printing from your home or office printer. You may, of course, also choose to print from a local print/copy shop, or upload to an online printing service to have the print delivered to your door. PERSONAL NOTE: We love what we do, and do our best to provide a wide variety of options, fun products, and flexibility in printing our digital files, all in attempts to make your life easier! Please provide your feedback, so we may continue to offer worthwhile products! PLEASE NOTE: No physical product will be shipped and the frame is not included. Colours may vary slightly due to different colour monitor/calibration. This purchase is licensed for PERSONAL USE ONLY. All Digital Prints are copyright of The Wellness Playground. THANKS FOR VISITING, and FEEL FREE TO CHECK OUT OUR OTHER LISTINGS.
Social Story Bundle: Self-Regulation Skills

Social Story Bundle: Self-Regulation Skills

INSTANT DOWNLOAD | 10 PRINTABLE SOCIAL STORIES | HIGH-RESOLUTION PDF FILES This Bundle consists of 10 resources to assist children with developing essential self-regulation skills. Each resource is easy to follow, practical, and uses simple language and engaging visuals to communicate concepts. They are tailored to elementary and junior high ages, but are suitable across all developmental levels, for regular and special education settings. They are in PDF, 8.5 x 11, format, and and so can be easily printed and laminated, and/or presented on-screen to a classroom. Each story ranges from 3 to 16 pages long. The range of topics include breathing techniques, mindfulness, sensory needs, managing strong emotions, modulating voice volume, and coping with high stimulation environments and events. WHATS INCLUDED: 10 Social Stories Each in High-Resolution colour PDF; 8.5"x11" Format: Social Story- How I can Relax with Calm Breathing (Basic Concepts) Social Story - My Sensory Needs (and How to Self-Regulate) Social Story - Stimming is My Super Power Social Story - How to Cope When Things are Too Loud Social Story - What to Do When I Get Upset or Angry Social Story - What to Do When My Body Needs to Fidget Social Story - Controlling My Voice Volume Social Story - Managing Strong Emotions Social Story - 8 Easy Ways I Can Practice Calm Breathing Social Story - Personal Space We hope this resource is helpful to you and the children you work with! Enjoy, and please leave your feedback.
Feelings Social Story Bundle: 8 Common Feelings

Feelings Social Story Bundle: 8 Common Feelings

8 Resources
FEELINGS SOCIAL STORY BUNDLE This Bundle contains 8 Social Stories that teach children about common feelings that we experience, and offers strategies on how to express and manage these feelings in healthy ways. Our children and students often have difficulty navigating and managing strong emotions. These social stories are laid out in a simple yet engaging way that allows students to process, understand and manage their feelings and emotions in healthy ways. The 8 social stories included in this bundle include: Social Story: When I Feel Worried or Anxious Social Story: When I’m Feeling Sad Social Story: When I’m Feeling Lonely Social Story: When I’m Feeling Mad Social Story: When I’m Feeling Frustrated Social Story: When I Feel Like Harming Myself Social Story: When I’m Feeling Excited Social Story: When I’m Feeling Jealous What You Will Receive: 8 Social Stories 8 high-quality PDF files 8.5"x11" in size How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Bind, laminate, or place in duotang to use with your students Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. Thank you!
Social Story Bundle: 12 Common Classroom Behaviours

Social Story Bundle: 12 Common Classroom Behaviours

INSTANT DOWNLOAD | 12 SOCIAL STORIES | PDF FORMAT | RANGING FROM 3 to 8 PAGES EACH This Social Story Bundle provides engaging social scripts for 12 common classroom behaviours. Each social story is in PDF (8.5x11") format, and uses engaging colours and visuals, and developmentally appropriate language for all elementary and junior high ages, as well as special education settings. The 12 Social Story Topics Include: Keeping My Hands to Myself How to Ask for Help Hitting is Not Okay Kicking is Not Okay Spitting is Not Okay Running Away is Not Okay Swearing (or saying mean words) is Not Okay Throwing Things is Not Okay Yelling is Not Okay No Interruping Waiting My Turn What to Do When I Get Upset or Angry Each story can be easily printed, laminated and either stapled, placed in duotang or binder, or professionally bound to use with students and children. WHAT’S INCLUDED: 1 Zip file containing, 12 High-Resolution colour PDF files, in 8.5x11 format
Life Skills Bundle: 12 Essential Skills for Independent Living

Life Skills Bundle: 12 Essential Skills for Independent Living

This Bundle provides 12 Social Stories covering some Essential Life Skills that students benefit from learning. Each story is thorough, and uses plenty of engaging visuals paired with developmentally appropriate language. I always invest lots of time into the quality of visuals, utility and practicality of the social stories I create. They are in PDF format (8.5 x 11 inches), and so can be easily printed and laminated. They may be used with elementary students and/or with older students in a special education or life skills setting. The Bundle includes the following: Riding a City Bus Street Safety Brushing (& Flossing) My Teeth Getting Dressed (Indoor & Outdoor) Making a Sandwich Self-Grooming (Hair & Nails) Taking a Bath or Shower Using the Washroom & Toilet Washing My Hands Using a Stove Riding a School Bus Traveling on an Airplane You will receive a Zip file containing all 12 social stories, ready for instant download. Enjoy!
Community Outings Social Story Bundle | Life Skills Lessons

Community Outings Social Story Bundle | Life Skills Lessons

13 Resources
Community Outings: Social Story Bundle This Bundle contains 13 social stories that teach children about common community outings, in order to build life skills for their school and independent living years. These stories are tailored to elementary, middle/high school and special education settings, and convey these themes using developmentally appropriate language and engaging visuals. Each story is in PDF, 8.5"x11" format. The 13 Social Stories include: Social Story: Going to the Park Social Story: Going to School Social Story: Going to the Doctor’s Office Social Story: Going Out at a Restaurant Social Story: Going to the Zoo Social Story: Going to the Grocery Store Social Story: Going to the Movie Theatre Social Story: Going to the Public Pool Social Story: Riding the School Bus Social Story: Riding a City Bus Social Story: Taking a Taxi Social Story: Going Camping Social Story: Going to the Mall What You Will Receive: 13 Social Stories 13 high-quality PDF files 8.5"x11" in size How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Bind, laminate, or place in duotang to use with your students Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. Thank you!
Sensory and Motor Skills Social Story Bundle | Fine and Gross Motor Skills

Sensory and Motor Skills Social Story Bundle | Fine and Gross Motor Skills

13 Resources
Sensory and Motor Skills: Social Story Bundle This social story bundle contains 13 social stories that focus on student’s sensory and motor needs and development. The stories offer a range of skill building challenges and scenarios that involve sensory input and motor output in various ways, from experiences and sensations, to noise, physiological feedback, and specific skills. These stories are tailored to elementary, middle/high school and special education settings, and use developmentally appropriate language and engaging visuals. The 13 Social Stories include: Social Story: My Sensory Needs Social Story: Using a Sensory Room Social Story: Stimming is My Superpower Social Story: Riding on an Elevator Social Story: Using an Escalator Social Story: How to Cope When Things are Too Loud Social Story: Using Scissors Social Story: What to Do When My Body Needs to Fidget Social Story: Using the Stairs Social Story: Going to Gym Class Social Story: Getting a Haircut Social Story: Controlling My Voice Volume Social Story: Riding a Bicycle What You Will Receive: 13 high-quality PDF files 8.5"x11" in size Over 130 Pages of combined content How to Use: After uploading product, save file to your device Print either at home, or via local print provider or online print service Bind, laminate, or place in duotang to use with your students Personal Note: Should you require a different file format or size, let us know and we can do this for you. We love what we do and so would appreciate your feedback and review so we can continue to provide practical resources to our fellow educators. Thank you :)